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Writer's pictureErin Nauta

My Amazing Clients!

My lovely friend, Rachel. Even more beautiful on the inside than the out :)

Just in case you wanted to know, my friend Rachel is one of the kindest people on the planet. The first time I met her, she was pregnant and attending her first MOPS meeting. She was glowing, and friendly, and didn't look nearly as miserable as a 3rd trimester mom should look. There was just something with her and I that just clicked! Before I knew it, she had her beautiful baby girl, and she was rocking this thing we call motherhood...

Through the years, we have laughed together, mourned together, but mostly just feel uplifted by being in each other's company. There is never a time that I leave an outing without feeling uplifted and inspired to be the best version of myself because of my sweet friend.

Luckily, she also lets me take photos of her adorable family. Out of all of our photo sessions this one may my favorite because of Rachel's ability to be happy, no matter what. During this session, we had our kids running through puddles, jumping through the forest, and getting lost in the grass! Before we were done (and this was a mini session!) there were three pairs kids' galoshes full of muddy water, wet shirts, and a muddy bum! We loaded up in my old white mini-van and left with some great memories that day. Most of all, the ability to have a great time, in spite of the extra laundry we had acquired in the matter of a 20 minute session!

Through mud, dirty water, grassy fields and dense forests, this girl will continue to shine and make life around her better. Congratulations Rachel! And at least we didn't fall in the puddles ourselves, right!?

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