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Stop Being a Know-it-all!

For a few years I've noticed a trend on social media. Someone will post a normal first-world problem, and the fix-it mob comes to the rescue. Do this! Do that! Everyone seems to have a solution to every problem. I began to notice another trend that was even more annoying. Social media personalities will post advice that no one asked for, and a few weeks later give more advice that contradicts the two cents they previously dished out. I started getting irritated every time I got on the internet and heard more and more advice I never asked for. Eventually I learned to just unfollow or scroll passed the unsolicited opinions. I didn't know my annoyance was eventually going to slap me in the face...

A little while later, I took a marketing course through a very successful businesswoman. She gave great advice that helped me get a base presence online. Part of her formula was to teach something about your business in your social media. Share your opinion. "GASP! I CANNOT be one of those people online", I thought to myself. "No one wants to hear my stupid opinions! I do not want to come across like I have it all figured out when I am far from knowing much of anything, let alone it all."

I started dipping my toe in the realm of sharing my life a bit at a time. Yuck. Still hated it. I landed on just sharing my work. Maybe if I share my art, that will show some personality, and I don't have to look like a Karen who knows what they want out of life. However, this process has not made my business boom in the way that keeps me being able to do it full-time. I am busy. But I am sure my husband would be ecstatic if I decided to get an hourly job in my town and contribute to more than just the fun money funds.

In my efforts to prove photography as a viable "job", I started reading more about search engine optimization (SEO). I was shocked to learn about Google spiders that scan your websites to find how valuable your information is to the clients using the search engine. I was floored when I connected a previously grumpy dot that I must have skipped over... People on the internet who are portraying themselves as experts are just doing SEO!!! They are often trying to create content to stay relevant in the waterfall of information flooding our screens daily. If I want to stay afloat with my photography dingy, I have to get on the water. I probably even have to share my opinions and thoughts.

So, with the smallest amount of trepidation as one can have on a white-water river... here I go. No expert. Just a lady who wants to drive her kids to basketball and swimming practice and still make a living.

Thanks for coming along for the ride!

If you want to read another post where I pretend to be a know it all, click here!

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